Quran Online 4All
We make Quran learning more accessible & attainable
with just a single click away from you.
Quran Online 4All is a dedicated and committed online platform
that aims to provide Quran & Arabic e-learning for children
and adults of all ages, levels, and nationalities.
Quran Online 4All Academy
Quran Online Academy is an international Online Quran school, that has been providing online Quran Teaching services since 2011, assists you as well as your kids in Quran Learning with Tajweed and Quran Memorization.1-on-1 Classes for Kids & Adults .Tutor male and female available.

Better Teacher = Better Student
We have always valued the skills over experience. In terms of our teaching staff, we have an amalgam of experienced and skilled staff who have effective skills to teach young children, teenagers as well as adults.
Our tutors have been qualified from the Anwar-ul-Aloom University, Multan Pakistan as well as the Islamic council.

The Female Tutors
For the young girls and females, we have hired a diverse set of female teachers skilled in Arabic, Quran, and Islamic courses.
Our aim has been to ensure that the females and young girls are confident and they feel safe and secure while taking their classes from the female tutors. All teachers have been certified, Egypt has various years of experience in the teaching field.
Our tutors are hardworking individuals of high caliber who
know well how to keep on going easily with a student in a
friendly environment to produce best results. They can deliver
lecture in a very professional manner and are also capable in
speaking English ,Urdu and Arabic.
Features of the Quran tutors include:
- Hafiz-i-Quran (have memorized whole Quran)
- Well aware of rules of Recitation
- University graduates in Islamic Studies
- Well trained to teach Quran,English, Arabic & Urdu online
- Have excellent command on English, Arabic and Urdu languages to converse with their students and to deliver lectures
- highly motivated and understand the complexities faced in this profession. They have an urge to go for the maximum results

Muhammad Basit Norani
Head Teacher
Muhammad Basit Noorani is a qualified Islamic scholar. He pursued an intensive full-time study of the classical disciplines of Islamic learning (known as Dars-e-Nizami) and him to teach the disciplines of Qur’an, Tafsir. He completed his Dars-e-Nizami from Anwar-ul-Aloom Al-islamiya University Pakistan Professional Teacher degree (B-ED) and Master “Urdu” (Urdu Literature from AIOU Islamabad & more is going on knowledge

Muhammad Owais Qastalani
Senior Teacher
I am from pakistan. I am 30 years old. I graduated from the faculty of languages and translation,Anwar-ul-Aloom Al-islamiya University Pakistan. I finished Quran memorization when I was 18 years old. Thanks to Allah, I ve been teaching Quran for more than 15 years . I ve been teaching Quran and Islamic studies for All schools speakers for about 3 years.

Muhammad Ahmad Saeedi
Senior Teacher
I am Muhammad Tariq Saeedi. I am from Pakistan. I have a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies in Arabic. I have Ijazah (accredited certificate) in the Ten Recitations of Quran. I studied in the Anwar-ul-Aloom Al-islamiya University Pakistan. I have a lot of experience in teaching Quran, rules of recitation, Arabic language and Islamic subjects.

Head Teacher
I’m Urooj from Pakistan, graduated from Tanzeem ul Madaris of Islamiyah and Master . I have memorized the Holly Quran and worked as a Quran teacher for ten years ,so I have an experience in teaching Quraan for adults and Kids
Also I have worked as A teacher in a nursery for two years so I can deal with children very good.
I have a lot of Educational games and Attractive methods specially for children.

Fatima Muhammad
Senior Teacher
Alsalam alaykom wa RahmatulAllah wabarkato
I’m Fatima Muhammad from Ppakistan, graduated from Tanzeem ul madaris al islamia Lahore. I have memorized the Holly Quran and can teach you how to recite and memorize the Holy Quran in a completely easy way. I can also teach you Tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies using academically – approved-methodologies . I have experience in teaching Islamic studies and Quran using modern and creative methods and to avoid using the old methods in the class that are considered to be boring and to make you enjoy the session inshaaAllah.
Aqsa Adel
Senior Teacher
Al-Salam Alaukum WA Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatuhu.
My name is Aqsa Adel, from Pakistan, I graduated from the faculty of languages and translation, Dar-e-Ahmad Islamic Education Girls . Department of Islamic Science . I’m a Qur’an and Arabic teacher- memorizing Qur’an by heart- Currently working as Arabic and Qur’an teacher Online.
“ The best among you (Muslims) are those
who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”